Mark McCormick, PhD

Mark is an Associate Professor with Tenure in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the School of Medicine at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center. Mark joined UNM after a postdoctoral fellowship at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, and a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of California, San Francisco. Before that, he received a BS in Mechanical Engineering and a BS in Biology from the University of Texas at Austin.

Olivia Heath

Olivia is a PhD student in the UNM Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program. She received her BS in Biochemistry from the University of New Mexico. Olivia is an NIH AIM-AHEAD Prime Data Science Training Program Fellowship recipient.


Jack Peterson, PhD

Jack is a visiting scientist from INDY Labs. He did a postdoc at Stony Brook University, after receiving his PhD in Biophysics from the University of California, San Francisco.


Alex Achusim is a Biomedical Engineering Master’s student in the lab who started with us as a UNM Biology undergraduate student, first as part of the Undergraduate Pipeline Network program and then as a New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation Undergraduate Research Scholar. Alex won second place at UNM Biology day 2022 for his talk on his research in the lab.

Joshua Lopez is a postbac in the lab who started as a UNM Biochemistry undergrad in the lab.

Ashanty Solorzano is a UNM Biochemistry undergrad in the lab.

Malik Aboud is a UNM Biochemistry undergrad in the lab.

Stephanie Karr is a UNM Biochemistry undergraduate in the lab.

Former Mentees

Hannah Ahr, former undergraduate, currently an MD student at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine.

Joy Armendariz, former undergraduate, currently a PhD student in Biochemistry at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Hunter Boyden, former undergraduate, currently an MD student at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine.

Stella Breslin, former postbac, currently a Senior Research Associate at the Buck Institute.

Ryla Cantergiani, former undergraduate, graduated magna cum laude in Biochemistry from UNM, currently a PhD Student at NYU. Ryla was previously an Undergraduate Pipeline Network student in the lab, and was awarded both a Lane Scholarship and a Goldwater Scholarship based on her research with us, as well as a first place award for her short talk on our work at UNM UROC 2022.

Izabelle Chavez, former UNM Biology and Nutrition undergraduate student in the lab> Izabelle was a New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation Undergraduate Research Scholar, El Puente Research Fellow, and recipient of a New Mexico Hispanic Women’s Council Scholarship. Izabelle won second place for her UROC 180 talk on her research in our lab at the 2023 UNM Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference, and graduated in December 2024.

Simon Driver, former Undergraduate Pipeline Network (UPN) summer student. Simon completed his undergraduate degree at New Mexico State University and is now pursuing a Master’s in Data Science at NMSU.

Danielle DeFever, former postbac, currently an Instructor in the Biological Sciences Department at Santa Rosa Junior College.

Sean Delica, former Biochemistry undergraduate, completed a Masters at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine, currently a Research Associate at Strand.

Darren Frank, former undergraduate, went on to complete a Master of Public Health program at the University of California Berkeley, currently at the Epidemiology Resource Center for the Indiana Department of Health.

Katrina Gianopulos, former undergraduate, completed a PhD in Molecular Biosciences at Washington State University.

Xiaoshan Guo, former undergraduate, completed an MD at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, currently MED-PEDS resident at University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix.

Rae Harris, former Undergraduate Pipeline Network (UPN) summer undergraduate student. Rae won Outstanding Poster Award for their presentation at the 2023 UPN Research Day, and they are currently continuing their BA in Neurobiology and Classical Studies at the College of Wooster.

Adalynn Kelly, former New Mexico INBRE Summer Experience (NISE) program summer undergraduate student in the lab, currently continuing her undergraduate studies at Fort Lewis College.

Vanessa Krajeck, former undergraduate, currently an MD student at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine.

Harold Marin, former undergraduate, received a PhD from the Tetrad program at the University of California San Francisco, currently a postdoctoral fellow at UCSF.

Blaise Mariner, former Biomedical Engineering PhD student in the lab, currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Snyder-Mackler lab at Arizona State University.

Mariam Mohagheghi, former undergraduate, went on to complete a Master of Science in Medical Science at Creighton University, currently a PhD student in Cellular and Molecular Biosciences at the University of California Irvine.

Victor Oliva, former biochemistry undergraduate, graduated magna cum laude in biochemistry from UNM, currently an MD student at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine.

Bhumil Patel, former postbac, currently a PhD student in the Biology program at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Christopher Pobre, former student, went on to receive a Master of Science in Nursing degree from the University of San Francisco, now an MSN/RN/CNL at Kaiser Permanente.

Christine Robbins, former Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program student in the lab. Christine received her PhD along with a with Certificate in University Science Teaching in July of 2024.

Brett Robison, former undergraduate, went on to a PhD at UC Berkeley, currently a Principal Scientist at Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Aaron Romero, former undergraduate, now a PhD student in the UNM Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program.

Brendan Sanders, former undergraduate and U-RISE participant in the lab, now a PhD student in Pharmaceutics at the University of Washington.

Danielle Sawyer, former undergraduate, currently a combined MD / PhD student at the University of Arizona. Danielle has successfully defended her PhD and is currently continuing her clinical training.

Michelle Soulé, former undergraduate, currently a Master’s student in Botany and Plant Pathology at Oregon State University.

Jackson Taylor, former UNM Biochemistry undergraduate, currently an MD student at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine.

Marc Ting, former undergraduate, currently a Senior Research Associate at PACT Pharma.

Scott Tsuchiyama, former undergraduate, currently an Engineering Manager at Spec.

Marissa Westenskow, former undergraduate and UPN student. Graduated summa cum laude in Biochemistry, and received a Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society Outstanding Undergraduate Award, both based on her research in our lab. Currently a PhD student in the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program at the University of New Mexico.

Jason Zhang, former undergraduate, now a Pharmacy student at the University of New Mexico.